Price : ₺320,00(Vat included)

The benefits of our 100% natural and additive-free date molasses are as follows;

  • It has blood-forming properties by eliminating this problem in people with iron deficiency. Therefore, it is perfect against weakness and fatigue.
  • It is good against diseases such as colon cancer and hemorrhoids by regulating bowel movements.
  • It provides protection against many types of cancer. It protects the cells in the body from harmful effects thanks to the antioxidants it contains such as B-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Potassium helps regulate blood pressure while balancing your heart rate. It provides effective results in the treatment of diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease.
  • It is good for cough and also helps remove phlegm from the throat. It relaxes the bronchi and is good for sore throat. It contains minerals such as vitamin K, calcium and magnesium. Calcium strengthens bones and also protects teeth. It eliminates many problems such as blood clotting, blood contraction and nerve problems.
  • It provides the necessary vitamin and mineral support to children during growth and development.
  • It provides energy and revitalizes the body. It keeps you vigorous, especially in situations where you have to stay hungry for a long time.
  • It protects the heart.
  • It prevents night blindness.



  • It protects the brain.
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